followers, all in the education world. So that's right, wait for it... I now have 15 followers! (Please note the sarcasm in my voice, but also the thrill!) What an adrenaline rush it is to be part of a group chat of educators who all share your passion and who go above and beyond to answer your questions or reply to your tweets. This week's topic was how to go interdisciplinary with language learning.
So will I be participating in this Twitter Chat in the future? The answer: DEFINITELY.
And here's why:
- Two words: Professional Development
- I connected with other Spanish teachers, some who even were interested in co-planning units in the future (hey, two minds are greater than one!)
- I asked some questions about tech in the classroom and got some great advice: at least five different apps and sites to use in the language classroom
- Got some brilliant ideas on how to do an itnerdisciplinary plan and great advice on how to get other teachers involved
- It was fun! I don't think I've ever been so glued to my phone in a 40 minute period, or that excited to read someone's next tweets
So if you're new to the Twitter world, or are looking for a great community to be a part of, definitely check out the next #LangChat Twitter Chat, which is every Thursday at 8pm ET. I'll see you there! ;)
I think your posts are very inspirational to new educators and hope that you continue your blog after the conclusion of the class. I think others can really benefit from your enthusiasm.