So how can we make learning vocabulary more fun and relatable for students in a foreign language classroom? One way is by having students make photo stories of their new vocabulary words. For one, this makes learning the vocabulary much more authentic than simply being translated on a worksheet or by making flashcards. Students can use their cell phone to go out and search for these vocabulary words in their home or in their town and snap pictures. Suddenly, vocabulary becomes tangible. Second, photo stories are a great way of keeping a virtual record of your learning which can be used for evaluation or future studying. I used the free trial on the site called Animoto to play around with photo stories and even create my own.
I went ahead and created an example Photo Story called, "Que hay en mi ciudad?" with pictures of building and stores found in my hometown, with their Spanish translation. You can check out the full Photo Story,with music, here.
What exactly would students be demonstrating by creating their own photo story, "Que hay en mi ciudad?" Well, with this specific example, students would be demonstrating that they know the vocabulary for different places by applying it to what they have in their home town. A performance indicator would be: vocabulary at the novice level- The student produces a number of high frequency words and formulaic expressions; is able to use a limited variety of vocabulary on familiar topics (How extensive and applicable is the language learner's vocabulary?)
Use of Photo Stories: I think this is where teachers can get creative. This type of photo story would be a great study tool for students, and if they have a "Virtual classroom" with a class blog or virtual study groups, students can view their classmates photo stories for further review, or even be required to comment on two of their classmates photo stories. If photo stories are a routine part of class, different students can be selected to show their photo show in class throughout the academic year.
Assessment of Photo Stories: For this specific example, students would be assessed on completion (did they take pictures of the required number of places in town?), and accuracy (did they use the correct vocabulary word? and correct spelling?).
My overall thoughts on photo stories? Well, they are easy and fun to make! I think I watched mine a couple of times over just because the music was so fun and catchy! I love that they can make learning relatable and personal for the students, it can be done right from their phones or computers, and can be easily shared with classmates. I give photo stories two thumbs up and will definitely be revisiting them when I am no longer a grad student, but a full fledged teacher!
This blog follows my journey while abroad in Costa Rica to becoming a Spanish teacher: The Future Señora Danielle. I will be documenting my ideas, notes from my studies, and personal anecdotes that shape my path to becoming a foreign language teacher. ~Pura Vida~
Monday, October 31, 2016
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Day of the Dead: TED-Ed Lesson
In my post from yesterday I gave my initial reaction to the "flipped classroom." In short, I loved the idea, but wasn't sure how feasible it actually was to create effective lessons for students to complete outside of the classroom. Well, I created a TED-Ed lesson for a homework assignment for grad school, and was pleasantly surprised by how easy it was to do. With easy to follow steps, I could DEFINITELY see using this in my future classroom as a way to introduce topics to students before we even meet in class.
Check out my Day of the Dead Lesson here.
Lesson Language Learning Objectives:
Check out my Day of the Dead Lesson here.
- Relating Cultural Practices to Perspectives: Learners will use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the cultures studied
- Relating Cultural Products to Perspectives: Learners will use the language to investigate, explain, an reflect on the relationship between the products and perspectives of the cultures studied
- Acquiring Information and Diverse Perspectives: Learners access and evaluate information and diverse perspectives that are available through the language and its cultures
- Cultural Comparisons: Learners use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own
** These can be catered to meet the level of the class which is being taught **
How to Test if Objectives Have Been Met:
- This lesson has several "Think" Multiple Choice Questions and and Discussion Question. The MC questions check for comprehension, and the discussion question directly calls for cultural comparisons
- This TED-Ed Lesson should be followed up by an in-class discussion in the target language in which the teacher models the discussion question in Spanish and a possible response. Students will already have thought about the discussion question and their answer as per the TED-Ed assignment, so in class they will need to only focus on target language use. The teacher can further this discussion by facilitating a conversation about the practices and products associated with Day of the Dead and how it relates to cultural perspectives. This is the definition of flipped learning: The students learn the basics outside of class, then they can achieve higher level thinking in the classroom as guided by the teacher.
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
The Flipped Language Classroom
So in my technologies course, we have spent the majority of the class talking about and exploring different technologies to use in the classroom or for professional development. This week's topic is learning about the Flipped Classrooms more in depth. Here's a general overview and of course, my initial reaction!
A Flipped Classroom is one in which the instruction occurs outside of the classroom and homework time occurs in the classroom, pushing students to learn independently and at their own pace, while in class achieving higher level thinking and problem solving. It sounds great, right? Well, let's first go over the positives because there are many, but I do see this posing quite a few challenges.
According to Three Reasons to Flip Your Classroom, implementing this:
A Flipped Classroom is one in which the instruction occurs outside of the classroom and homework time occurs in the classroom, pushing students to learn independently and at their own pace, while in class achieving higher level thinking and problem solving. It sounds great, right? Well, let's first go over the positives because there are many, but I do see this posing quite a few challenges.
According to Three Reasons to Flip Your Classroom, implementing this:
- Increases comprehension of course material: Students can learn at their own pace. They can pause an instructional video at home to take notes and to let what the teacher said "sink in," where as learning in a classroom doesn't allow for this
- Increases interaction with the instructor and peers: Class time is spent applying what was learned for homework, not with the teacher lecturing. This gives the teacher more time to guide students as they apply what they learn.
- Increases critical thinking as a natural part of the learning process: By learning outside of the classroom, there is more time to apply higher level thinking inside the classroom, like analyzing, applying, and creating.
In other words, as put by Flipping your EL Classroom: A Primer, In a sense, what is flipped is the clock. The clock at home gets used on instruction, on piquing curiosity, on initial exploration. When the classroom clock starts ticking, teachers spend their time interacting with students on activities that they used to assign as homework. Like all good homework assignments, these activities still challenge students to use what they have learned.
My initial reaction to reading about the flipped classroom was "Wow, this makes a lot of sense," but at the same time, "Wow, this sounds like a lot of work for the teacher, and potentially the students." A teacher who has never taught a flipped classroom before has to prepare homework by creating instructional videos or learning activities which teach students the main ideas (something that the teacher would have traditionally taught in the classroom) and also prepare actual class time for the students to apply what they learned. As it's name suggests, it is truly "flipped." Despite this initial workload though, what challenges does the flipped classroom pose? Well, on the side of the teacher, I think it takes a lot of time and skill to create effective virtual lessons for the students. Teachers need to search for effective videos (or create their own), or come up with other creative ways for students to learn from their textbook. Students then need to be able to learn from this so that the teacher doesn't need to "re-teach" the entire lesson the next day. Also, would this really work for students? There may be a student without a home computer, or with limited data plans on their phones to access online material. In theory students could stay after school in the computer lab or go to the public library, but this all boils down to school resources, student transportation, and student responsibilities at home. And what about students with different learning styles or with disabilities? Some students do learn best being guided by the teacher.
Later this week in school I will be creating my own Ted-Ed lesson for my imaginary students and I am sure as I work through this unit I will see how feasible it is to create a flipped classroom and what challenges I face. Despite my concerns, I am intrigued with the idea of the flipped classroom and think that this new way of learning teaches students many skills, and if done right, could be a much more effective use of class time. Students learn best when they discover knowledge for themselves, and I think that by flipping your classroom there is a definite possibility for students to be challenged more and to learn more!
Friday, October 14, 2016
Tweet, Tweet: Twitter in the Classroom
Love it or hate it, technology needs to be playing a role in our classrooms. Twitter is one of those sites you can use both professionally (check out yesterday's post) and in the classroom with your students. I've found some great educational accounts to follow from my Twitter, @SenoraDanielle, and I am so excited to have joined this part of the social media world for personal and professional fun!
Now, that is great and all, but what has intrigued me most about Twitter is figuring out how to incorporate it into my teaching. I've seen a lot of suggestions, from Twitter being used as a classroom homepage to keep students and parents in the loop, to being used for specific activities. Honestly, after viewing all the suggestions, I have no doubt that students would be impressed by a teacher who incorporates this into their classroom (what do you mean, we aren't reading straight from our textbook today? We get to use computers? Did you say our homework is to use Twitter!? You're simply the best teacher I've ever had!!) Okay, maybe that point is a little exaggerated. But I do have to say that incorporating Twitter into the classroom seems like it would be active teaching, fun for both the teacher AND the students. 50 Ways to Use Twitter in the Classroom is full of suggestions which can be catered to any subject. I've gone ahead and brainstormed and played around with their suggestions and here are my key takeaways with a twist for Spanish Education:
- Create a classroom #Hashtag for all future Twitter assignments
- Make our own classroom Twitter Chat (or connect with other classes too) to discuss a certain topic. Ways to elaborate? Every student can post original tweets, "like" their favorite tweet from a classmate during the assignment, or re-tweet/respond to classmates
- Use it as a news source for current events and culture for students to respond to (Hey--getting your ideas across in 140 characters is hard enough in English, so it's a great skill for my future students. Learn to be effective & concise!)
- Live tweet a book, movie, or song in the target language for an in-class activity
- Twitter Scavenger Hunt with pics and videos of using/seeing the TL in our everyday lives
So, I would love to know, have any of you used Twitter successfully in the classroom? Any positive/negative experiences?
Thursday, October 13, 2016
This week I am saying HELLO to the Twitter World for the first time in years by creating an account, @SenoraDanielle. I had an account years ago which just slowly faded away into the dark world of computer sites no longer visited by me. Twitter mostly went to this dark place for me because I didn't know how to use it, wasn't sure what to post, and frankly, wasn't sure if anyone would care. Well, this week's topic in grad school was Twitter Chat, hence the new Twitter account, and so here goes a review of my first time using Twitter in over two years and my very first every Twitter Chat:
I wanted to get a hang of the Twitter Chat before I just dove right in, so I checked out #EdChat, a group that met before the group I had been looking forward to all week, #LangChat. Learning how to use the Twitter Chat was a bit of a learning curve, but it was easy enough. After about two very overthought posts with the #EdChat hashtag, I signed off, feeling ready for the #LangChat group which met earlier this evening. I have to say, I LOVED IT. #LangChat is dedicated to World Language teachers, so I fit right in. And not to brag, but being a part of this chat gained me 10 new
followers, all in the education world. So that's right, wait for it... I now have 15 followers! (Please note the sarcasm in my voice, but also the thrill!) What an adrenaline rush it is to be part of a group chat of educators who all share your passion and who go above and beyond to answer your questions or reply to your tweets. This week's topic was how to go interdisciplinary with language learning.
So will I be participating in this Twitter Chat in the future? The answer: DEFINITELY.
And here's why:

followers, all in the education world. So that's right, wait for it... I now have 15 followers! (Please note the sarcasm in my voice, but also the thrill!) What an adrenaline rush it is to be part of a group chat of educators who all share your passion and who go above and beyond to answer your questions or reply to your tweets. This week's topic was how to go interdisciplinary with language learning.
So will I be participating in this Twitter Chat in the future? The answer: DEFINITELY.
And here's why:
- Two words: Professional Development
- I connected with other Spanish teachers, some who even were interested in co-planning units in the future (hey, two minds are greater than one!)
- I asked some questions about tech in the classroom and got some great advice: at least five different apps and sites to use in the language classroom
- Got some brilliant ideas on how to do an itnerdisciplinary plan and great advice on how to get other teachers involved
- It was fun! I don't think I've ever been so glued to my phone in a 40 minute period, or that excited to read someone's next tweets
So if you're new to the Twitter world, or are looking for a great community to be a part of, definitely check out the next #LangChat Twitter Chat, which is every Thursday at 8pm ET. I'll see you there! ;)
Sunday, October 9, 2016
ePals: My Favorite Discovery Yet
As a future foreign language teacher, I cannot even begin to contain my excitement about this teaching site my professor told us to check out: ePals. My brain is already running a thousand miles a minute thinking about all the different ways I can incorporate this into my future Spanish classroom. ONE, it will be excellent Spanish practice for my students to correspond with authentic Spanish speakers-- and not only that, but fellow students they can relate to, and TWO, it'll encourage intercultural connections that are so much more tangible than scenarios simply recreated in the classroom.
After checking out the site, two features which I will definitely be using are:
ePals-Mediensis, a blog from a high school in Romania, posted some of the mail they have received from other classes in cooperating projects from around the world. I mean, check it out, it's incredible! Just seeing the results of two classrooms from opposite ends of the world working together gets me so excited! When thinking about my future classroom, a bilingual exchange could happen between students in a Spanish speaking country studying English and my students learning Spanish. It could be catered to virtually any unit in the Spanish classroom, too, and gets students actively involved in learning a language. Suddenly Spanish isn't something from a far off land that doesn't exist when you don't think about it: it's real, it's tangible, and the students are making cross-cultural connections (and maybe even friends)!
After checking out the site, two features which I will definitely be using are:
- Connecting with classrooms: You can search by subject, grade level, and languages so that it is compatible. I love this. It puts you in touch with teachers who want to connect with you and your students, too!
- Explore Experiences: ePals also sets up its own activities which your classroom can join. Of course, they aren't all Spanish activities, but I have already found some great ones to participate in such as an intercultural recipe exchange with classrooms from all over the world (it even comes with project ideas for your students to do, too!).
ePals-Mediensis, a blog from a high school in Romania, posted some of the mail they have received from other classes in cooperating projects from around the world. I mean, check it out, it's incredible! Just seeing the results of two classrooms from opposite ends of the world working together gets me so excited! When thinking about my future classroom, a bilingual exchange could happen between students in a Spanish speaking country studying English and my students learning Spanish. It could be catered to virtually any unit in the Spanish classroom, too, and gets students actively involved in learning a language. Suddenly Spanish isn't something from a far off land that doesn't exist when you don't think about it: it's real, it's tangible, and the students are making cross-cultural connections (and maybe even friends)!
Friday, October 7, 2016
Flipped Learning Community
So what exactly is a flipped classroom? In doing some research for school I have come across this term time and time again in articles and blogs alike. To be honest, I was a little unfamiliar with this term and just the name, "flipping" your classroom, suggests a complete and total overhaul. That doesn't sound easy at all. But alas, after doing a little research, flipping the classroom is definitely within reach for the tech savvy and those less tech-inclined (myself included!). The Flipped Language Classroom is all about teaching students in the 21st century. A lot of things have changed over the years, but one thing that has stayed relatively the same is our educational system. This video below sums up what I am talking about, and in a super creative and inspirational way. Get ready to feel motivated!
So here are some ways that being part of the World Language Teachers Flipped Learning Community can help:
- View educational videos on how to flip your classroom and make it tech savvy (I'll definitely be looking at these!)
- Have access to forums where language teachers share their experiences with incorporating tech into the classroom (both good AND bad- candid feedback is always appreciated)
- Ask and answer questions
- Share different sites and tips for flipping your classroom
I have to admit, even though I am overwhelmed with thinking about how to Flip my future classroom, mostly from an organizational and planning standpoint, I am excited by all the possibilities it brings. Like I said, I will definitely be watching some of those how-to videos because there's a big difference between incorporating tech in the classroom and then incorporating it effectively. It will be pretty fun to use some new technologies to teach students, and at the very least, to capture their interest! Any suggestions or experience with flipped classrooms? I would love to hear them!
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
A Learner is Like a Box of Chocolates...
A learner is like a box of never know what you're gonna get! I hope you recognize my shameless Forrest Gump plug. Hey, a classic is a classic! And in this case, this analogy couldn't be more perfect for describing learners today. In my previous posts, I've mentioned how the classroom is changing, and fast. I've talked about how gone are the days where students effectively learn by sitting and copying notes in a lecture type setting. Here we are living in a time where knowledge is everywhere, and one of the key skills we need to teach our students is how to access and use that knowledge which is all around us.
So how exactly is a learner like a box of chocolates? Well, based on Connectivism Theory, learning is no longer taking place exclusively within the human mind. The Changing Nature of Knowledge says that The leaners themselves, the connections they form with each other, the connections they form with databases, with other sources of knowledge, is really the primary point of learning. So in essence, the network becomes the learning. So as teachers, or future teachers, it is very important for us to remember that each student we will have in our classroom will be a source of valuable knowledge to us and to their classmates. It is impossible for one of us to know everything, and each student, like a box of chocolate, brings something new to the classroom. This could be a perspective, a learning style, a different culture, a piece of knowledge, a new technology, really, the options are limitless. It could even be a new way to connect and gain access to more knowledge. Each of us is a database with information ready to be shared. It is our responsibility as teachers to foster these connections and let students learn how to make their own connections, share knowledge, and explore for more.
To elaborate on Connectivism, let me begin by saying this theory was new to me. If it's new to you too, the name more or less explains itself. In very simplified terms, it's about how learning in the present age is more connected than it was in the past. It's a theory which describes our current learning situation. In Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age, Siemens says that Connectivism presents a model of learning that acknowledges the tectonic shifts in society where learning is no longer an internal, individualistic activity. That's right- learning is now very interconnected. Interconnected via books, via the internet and databases, and via all sorts of technologies which are readily and easily accessible. And this interconnected learning shouldn't be taking place only on a world-wide scale, but also should be happening within the walls of your classroom. Remember, your learners are like a box of chocolate- each with something unique to bring.
My final thought is are our classrooms teaching students to live in a connective age? Not necessarily. Siemens states that The field of education has been slow to recognize both the impact of new learning tools and the environmental changes in what it means to learn. I included the cartoon here because when I started looking up more information on the theory I found some negative feedback. I think connectivism isn't not about teaching our students "how NOT to think," but rather, giving them the skills they need to access limitless information, think critically, and apply it. It's not about teaching mindlessness, but rather mindfulness and the power that lies in having access to mountains of information we never had before, and how to evaluate it properly. If we as teachers embrace connectivism, it will allows us to teach the skills necessary for our students to not only learn the required material, but to succeed in a digital age. With the skills and tools for how to search for answers and acquire new knowledge, our students will be equipped for whichever career path (or paths!) they head down in the future. To start embracing connectivism in your classroom, just remember our wise friend, Forrest. A learner is like a box of chocolates.... You never know what you're gonna get.
So how exactly is a learner like a box of chocolates? Well, based on Connectivism Theory, learning is no longer taking place exclusively within the human mind. The Changing Nature of Knowledge says that The leaners themselves, the connections they form with each other, the connections they form with databases, with other sources of knowledge, is really the primary point of learning. So in essence, the network becomes the learning. So as teachers, or future teachers, it is very important for us to remember that each student we will have in our classroom will be a source of valuable knowledge to us and to their classmates. It is impossible for one of us to know everything, and each student, like a box of chocolate, brings something new to the classroom. This could be a perspective, a learning style, a different culture, a piece of knowledge, a new technology, really, the options are limitless. It could even be a new way to connect and gain access to more knowledge. Each of us is a database with information ready to be shared. It is our responsibility as teachers to foster these connections and let students learn how to make their own connections, share knowledge, and explore for more.
To elaborate on Connectivism, let me begin by saying this theory was new to me. If it's new to you too, the name more or less explains itself. In very simplified terms, it's about how learning in the present age is more connected than it was in the past. It's a theory which describes our current learning situation. In Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age, Siemens says that Connectivism presents a model of learning that acknowledges the tectonic shifts in society where learning is no longer an internal, individualistic activity. That's right- learning is now very interconnected. Interconnected via books, via the internet and databases, and via all sorts of technologies which are readily and easily accessible. And this interconnected learning shouldn't be taking place only on a world-wide scale, but also should be happening within the walls of your classroom. Remember, your learners are like a box of chocolate- each with something unique to bring.
My final thought is are our classrooms teaching students to live in a connective age? Not necessarily. Siemens states that The field of education has been slow to recognize both the impact of new learning tools and the environmental changes in what it means to learn. I included the cartoon here because when I started looking up more information on the theory I found some negative feedback. I think connectivism isn't not about teaching our students "how NOT to think," but rather, giving them the skills they need to access limitless information, think critically, and apply it. It's not about teaching mindlessness, but rather mindfulness and the power that lies in having access to mountains of information we never had before, and how to evaluate it properly. If we as teachers embrace connectivism, it will allows us to teach the skills necessary for our students to not only learn the required material, but to succeed in a digital age. With the skills and tools for how to search for answers and acquire new knowledge, our students will be equipped for whichever career path (or paths!) they head down in the future. To start embracing connectivism in your classroom, just remember our wise friend, Forrest. A learner is like a box of chocolates.... You never know what you're gonna get.
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